Friday, December 29, 2006

Hong Kong | Day 5

We took the subway a long way’s north today and ended up in Sha Tin, a neighborhood in the New Territories of Hong Kong whose claim to fame is a nice little spot known as the Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery.

[ Just around the corner is an IKEA (no kidding). ]

[ This is the start of the path leading up to the monastery. It’s flanked by looming statues of monks, all with varying expressions of intensity. ]

[ Abby assimilating nicely. ]

[ From the monastery at the top of the hill, where there was a 9-story pagoda and some colorful statues of monks and various (10,000) representations of Gautama. ]

[ Benevolent Buddha ]

* * *

Later that evening we found a snug fifth-floor bar in our part of town (Tsim Sha Tsui), where we sat outside, surrounded by tall buildings, drinking wine for a good long while and deliberating over whether or not we’d use IKEA to decorate our homes if we decided to stay in Hong Kong for good.

1 Comment for this Entry

Those pictures of the 10,000 Buddha's are hilarious!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007 - 01:12 AM

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